Rapide Access (ERM)

Rapide Access (ERM)

Enterprise Report Management (ERM)

Rapide Access (ERM previously referred to as COLD)
Rapide Access is the latest application to join the family of quality products at raycom. This set program with standard features, is specifically tailored for users requiring a quick turn around time. Rapide Access is a straight-forward program, that is extremely user friendly. Data can be sent to Raycom on multiple media types such as ; 9-track, 6250BPI, 3480, 3490, 2120, 4mm, 8mm tapes, 3.5″ diskettes and floppy disks. Rapide Access allows the utilization of CD technology at minimal expense.

Key Features

    • Up to 8 indexes
  • Advanced search capability
  • Reduced program set-up time
  • Will perform plain text searching
  • Find all instances of an index key
  • Ability change the font size of the text in the current window, for viewing and printing
  • Have ability to send data to local laser printer or “clipboard”
  • Highlights matches found in text
  • Sessioning – Annotate to the CD until filled to capacity